It’s not about me, or you, or even us…it’s always about Him!
As you travel this summer, on vacation, family reunions, short trips…wherever you go,
remember those people in the service industry whom will be serving you. Hotels,
refueling stops, restaurants, gift shops, grocery stores…where ever you encounter
someone who is ‘at your service’, be kind and hospitable. Treating others with grace,
mercy, and love is the undeniable mark of a genuine follower of Jesus.
We never know the family situation of those who serve us. We don’t know their
financial, health, mental challenges. We know nothing of their experiences, their
tragedies, their personal baggage (we ALL have baggage). We didn’t meet the horrible
customer who vomited vitriolic hate in volume on them. We have no clue about working
conditions. We are in the dark, completely.
In fact, if we are determining who is valuable by our sole judgement, we have erred in a
catastrophic way. Assumption of omniscience is common, but still abysmal in approach.
Laughable and deplorable at the same time. Did Jesus instruct us to ‘love our
neighbor’? Oh, and don’t forget the ‘love your enemy’ command also! If so, then how do
we ‘love’ our servers (or anyone) without kindness, compassion, grace, and mercy?
Right, we don’t. Absence of the fruit of the Spirit, indicates absence of the Spirit Himself.
“Be the Light in your corner of the World” is a common encouragement you often hear
me use. I believe it to be both biblically sound and theologically correct. I believe it to be
a compendium of who we are supposed to be as genuine followers of Jesus. I see it as
a powerful witness and testimony of our allegiance to our LORD. Seeing others as
Jesus does, allows us to love them as He does. We spend less time assessing others,
and more time in being ‘light and salt’.
“What about if you have a server who is mean, horrible, terrible….the list goes on?
Hmmm, let’s see. Did Jesus tell us only to love those who were worth loving? Or those
who treated us as we wished to be treated? To be kind only to those who are kind to
us? If we are looking for an excuse to be plain human and not a sold out follower of
Jesus, any excuse will do.
You and I may be the only light of kindness in a person’s life for the day. Common
manners (yes, I understand, manners are considered boorish, antique bygones of a
past era), can make a person’s day. Smiles, responding in a kind and considerate
manner, saying thank you…all ways of showing someone love.
If I make everything about me, then it will not be about Him. So, if it’s not Him I worship,
then it’s me. Bad choice when I choose me.
As always, it’s your choice. Choose wisely.
Peace, roy