(Again, and more poignant now than ever)
How long has it been since you have noticed one of God’s miracles?
Or perhaps, you might be one of the skeptics who often say, “I don’t believe in miracles!” Or the cynic who speaks only with disdain and disgust over the very idea of a miracle. Or maybe you just never see a miracle, because you are so in love with your own image.
You might say, “Show me one miracle!”
I can’t show you one, I can however show you dozens, if not hundreds, in my world alone. Multiply one persons witness by millions…miracles are everywhere.
Or if you cannot take your eyes of yourself, they are nowhere. Miracles cannot exist, for it they do, then we have to realize we worship an idol with no divinity, no heaven, no promise, no eternity. We cannot deliver what people need, because we simply do not have it.
I’ve seen Jesus turn the twin terrors of addiction to drugs and alcohol into baby food, formula, and warm clothes. I’ve seen Jesus take a tiny months old baby, hungry, freezing, with minimal clothing from the hands of a crazed man, and put him into mine. I’ve seen skeptics and cynics turned from a life of cold reason and logic, to the power and light of Heaven.
I’ve seen drunkards fall to their knees in repentance. I’ve seen families, ripped apart by sin, stitched back together by the power of Heaven. I have seen rebellious young adults return to Jesus. I’ve seen certain death replaced by glorious life.
I’ve seen men and women harder than granite, made soft and pliable in the hands of Jesus. I seen Jesus open the eyes of the spiritually blind. I’ve seen Jesus wrap His arms around those who have lost their loved ones. I’ve seen thousands of miracles.
“I believe in miracles
I’ve seen a soul set free
Miraculous the change in one
Redeemed thru Calvary…
I believe in miracles
For I believe in God.” (Buck and Peterson)
I saw the miracles. I didn’t perform them. Jesus did. I was just blessed enough to be there when it happened. I believe in miracles.
Believing is seeing…try it. You might see something you never saw before!
As always, it’s your choice. Choose wisely.
Peace, roy